If you haven't take a Barre class yet, you're missing out on a great way to lean and tone your muscles. In a Barre class, intense isometric movements are used to elongate muscles. It's a full-body workout, but it's non-impact so it's easy on your joints. You'll be using only light weights and your own…
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Dance Classes

How It Works:
Pliés, relevés, and sauté jumps don’t just look graceful, the ballet moves also lengthen and strengthen muscles and burn calories.
Ballet-inspired classes like Pure Barre, Bar Method, and Balletone are a popular workout trend that incorporates moves from ballet, Pilates, and yoga to upbeat music.
Many gyms offer ballet-inspired fitness classes, and barre studios offer classes for overall conditioning as well as targeted workouts for abs, thighs, or glutes. There are even “barre light” classes for beginners.
Dance Classes
Dance Classes